Monday, December 22, 2014

frenden: I see some folks feeling lesser-than because they make digital, not analog, art. They shouldn’t. Don’t sweat the analog-digital divide. The muscle memory acquired for mark making is nearly the same. Each takes skill and practice and share more in common than they don’t. Color theory, composition, and storytelling are universal regardless of the method of art creation. Mark making is mark making. Knowing where and why to put a mark is just as important as knowing how. Is electric guitar any less an art form than acoustic? No. Is digital art inferior to analog? No. It’s just different. Let yourself off the hook. I’ve learned to give myself permission to worry about what I’m making and not how I’m making it.

frenden: I see some folks feeling lesser-than because they make digital, not analog, art. They shouldn’t. Don’t sweat the analog-digital divide. The muscle memory acquired for mark making is nearly the same. Each takes skill and practice and share more in common than they don’t. Color theory, composition, and storytelling are universal regardless of the method of art creation. Mark making is mark making. Knowing where and why to put a mark is just as important as knowing how. Is electric guitar any less an art form than acoustic? No. Is digital art inferior to analog? No. It’s just different. Let yourself off the hook. I’ve learned to give myself permission to worry about what I’m making and not how I’m making it.

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