Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dieselpunk Captain America from my sketchbook. I’m starting to think steampunk is played out. Not that it’s dead, some people will always wear top hats & wax their mustaches, I just think it’s become too mainstream. I’m looking towards Dieselpunk instead. Like the early days of cyberpunk & steampunk, the ideal is a little vague. But that gives it some edginess that makes it cool.

Dieselpunk Captain America from my sketchbook. I’m starting to think steampunk is played out. Not that it’s dead, some people will always wear top hats & wax their mustaches, I just think it’s become too mainstream. I’m looking towards Dieselpunk instead. Like the early days of cyberpunk & steampunk, the ideal is a little vague. But that gives it some edginess that makes it cool.

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