Monday, June 08, 2015

Doodle of a cat. I drew this while waiting at the doctors office. This weekend was busy, but didn’t feel productive. I went to the doctor on Friday, I am getting sick again and I want to get a handle on this early. Saturday Michelle had a headache and we went to a 50th anniversary party for a friend. They played ‘50s music and had good punch, but it wiped us both out so we bailed on a birthday party for my nephew. Too much energy & noise. Sadly I didn’t get near as much comic drawn as I needed. I should have been done with this project. If I wasn’t a co-owner I’d be fired for sure. But the writer is understanding and the work looks great and that what matters at this point. Still I feel like every line is caring stone, it should be faster. Hopefully this is a sign I’m in an 'improving stage’.

Doodle of a cat. I drew this while waiting at the doctors office. This weekend was busy, but didn’t feel productive. I went to the doctor on Friday, I am getting sick again and I want to get a handle on this early. Saturday Michelle had a headache and we went to a 50th anniversary party for a friend. They played ‘50s music and had good punch, but it wiped us both out so we bailed on a birthday party for my nephew. Too much energy & noise. Sadly I didn’t get near as much comic drawn as I needed. I should have been done with this project. If I wasn’t a co-owner I’d be fired for sure. But the writer is understanding and the work looks great and that what matters at this point. Still I feel like every line is caring stone, it should be faster. Hopefully this is a sign I’m in an 'improving stage’.

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