This week was kinda slow at work. Since I work with our Princeton plant I pretty much have to sit at my desk watching for e-mails from them. I really can't do too much for another department because my work it typically a rush. So it tends to be wait, wait, rush, wait , wait, etc.

This can be kind of nerve wrecking, but it's impossible to try and predicit any kind of pattern. So I've decided to try and keep busy and make the best of it.
This week I decided to work on my inking. This spring, I bought a Pentel tradio pen at the Kinkoniya bookstore.
I had read online that Chris Bachalo draws with these in his sketchbook and swears by them, so when I saw them, I figured why not.
I hadn't really used it much since, so I broke it out for these.
(Yeah, i know the dude floating is a ripe of Ghost in the Shell!)
I really like the pen. you have to grip it kinda high on the barrel because the nib wraps around, but that isn't too big of a deal. Pentel calls this a Fountain pen, but it's a lot mot flexiable then that. With practice I can imagine you could get a really nice line outta this pen.
I 100% recommend this pen. It's chaep , portable and seems reasonably durable.
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