Saturday, January 03, 2009

What I'm Reading.

One of my New Years Resolutions (I made about 40) is to read more fiction. Somewhere along the way I slipped out of the reading habit. Oh, I read pleanty of comics or art books and maybe even some historical books, but I'm wanting to read more fiction in '09.
When I was a kid I read tons of Science Fiction, but I think somewhere I stopped. So a few days ago I looked through my bookshelves for something I had never read that looked good and I came up with this:

Doc Sidhe by Aaron Allston

Okay, maybe it's not Moby Dick, but it's pretty good. It's kind of a pulp hero novel remixxed in a fantasy world. Allston is a name in role-playing game circles and this seems like it could be the basis for a good RPG. It's a good solid action story and so far I'm really enjoying it.

Next up:

Pattern Recognition by William Gibson

I read a few pages of this at the library (you didn't think I'm buying all these books?) and was impressed by how readable Gibson has become. I read some of his cyberpunk stuff back when that was hot, but it always seemed dense reading to me. We'll see how this goes, I have high hopes for it.

Already, I've read about the main charcter de-branding all her clothes. A woman after my own heart; after I finish this I am going to de-brand my new backpack!


Tatiana said...

Libraries rock! I encourage you to visit more oft ;)
They are addictive.

Scott Sackett said...

To visit the library more often I'd have to move there!