Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Avengers preview

Reaction to my Wolverine sample was okay, so now I'm drawing a New Avengers sample based off #56. I decided to draw this script when I read it and saw it all toook place in Times Square.
This is my first panel, HOWEVER after speaking to my contact at Marvel he suggested I draw the double page spread on the two pages before this. Only problem is some stuff in the spread dosen't match this panel.
So I have to pitch this panel. Which is too bad because I really liked the way the panel came out (except the background was a little too busy) I was happy with the 'style' of this sample, a slight change from my wolverine sample.
Marvel had commented that I needed more detail in my backgrounds so I went crazy!
I've really tried to experiment with my style and find something I liked and I think this may be something close. I think a drawing style is something an artist shouldn't examine to closely out loud or like knowing a magic trick, it will lose some of it's power.

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