Sunday, February 28, 2016

Page 3 of my layouts for my final project. This isn’t done, but this is what I shot done this weekend.

Page 3 of my layouts for my final project. This isn’t done, but this is what I shot done this weekend.

Sharpie drawing of my friend Eric.

Sharpie drawing of my friend Eric.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Layout for page 2 of my class project for ‘Intro to Comic Art’.

Layout for page 2 of my class project for ‘Intro to Comic Art’.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Home work this week is three pages of breakdowns for our class project. This is my first page.

Home work this week is three pages of breakdowns for our class project. This is my first page.

Working on a page for my ‘Intro to comic art’ class. I could google 'New York City’ but I’d rather flip through some of my reference books. One shelf in my studio is dedicated to NYC books.

Working on a page for my ‘Intro to comic art’ class. I could google 'New York City’ but I’d rather flip through some of my reference books. One shelf in my studio is dedicated to NYC books.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

archatlas: New York Steffen Böttcher How do you encounter a city of which there seem to be more photographs than of the entire world put together? To explore New York is like leafing through a photography book that you have already looked through hundreds of times. Every detail seems to have been burned into your mind. The world needs nothing less than my photographing everything again now in the same way. Images and text via Steffen Böttcher

archatlas: New York Steffen Böttcher How do you encounter a city of which there seem to be more photographs than of the entire world put together? To explore New York is like leafing through a photography book that you have already looked through hundreds of times. Every detail seems to have been burned into your mind. The world needs nothing less than my photographing everything again now in the same way. Images and text via Steffen Böttcher

Layout for page one of my final project for ‘Intro to Comic Art’.

Layout for page one of my final project for ‘Intro to Comic Art’.

Looking for a circle template, I found these thumbnails for my first professional comic book I ever drew.

Looking for a circle template, I found these thumbnails for my first professional comic book I ever drew.

I dig this car, but it got too big for the panel. So I’m gonna erase it.

I dig this car, but it got too big for the panel. So I’m gonna erase it.

My Luke Cage looks like Mr. Clean…

My Luke Cage looks like Mr. Clean…



Monday, February 22, 2016

My final project for ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class is a three page New Avengers story. Some of these characters I’ve never drawn before so I drew a couple pages of character sketches.

My final project for ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class is a three page New Avengers story. Some of these characters I’ve never drawn before so I drew a couple pages of character sketches.

Tonight I’m lightboxing my enlarged rough to my layout page.

Tonight I’m lightboxing my enlarged rough to my layout page.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

archatlas: New York CIty Desk Troy Huang I want one of these!

archatlas: New York CIty Desk Troy Huang I want one of these!

Doodle from my sketchbook.

Doodle from my sketchbook.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Here’s my revised roughs for my final project for my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class I’m taking through Comics Experience.

Here’s my revised roughs for my final project for my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class I’m taking through Comics Experience.

Friday, February 19, 2016

From The Portable Dorothy Parker jacket by the cartoonist Seth.

From The Portable Dorothy Parker jacket by the cartoonist Seth.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

My final project for Intro to comic art is a three page sample from an Avengers script so I’m practicing drawing The New Avengers.

My final project for Intro to comic art is a three page sample from an Avengers script so I’m practicing drawing The New Avengers.

Spider-man doodle, really just a quick exercise in rendering.

Spider-man doodle, really just a quick exercise in rendering.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

More art found in my studio. This was the rejected page for a 3 page comic I took to Wizardworld Texas one year. The final sample high praise from the Dark Horse editor. This was also the con I met Nick Pitarra when we were ol both showing samples.

More art found in my studio. This was the rejected page for a 3 page comic I took to Wizardworld Texas one year. The final sample high praise from the Dark Horse editor. This was also the con I met Nick Pitarra when we were ol both showing samples.

Another studio find: this page was one I took when I visited Marvel Comics. Despite the fact I see all the flaws, I still love this panel!

Another studio find: this page was one I took when I visited Marvel Comics. Despite the fact I see all the flaws, I still love this panel!

Cleaning my studio, I found some pages from my webcomics!

Cleaning my studio, I found some pages from my webcomics!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

dieselfutures: Neon Noir These are cool.

dieselfutures: Neon Noir These are cool.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Ms. Marvel from my sketchbook.

Ms. Marvel from my sketchbook.

Love or hate his figure drawing books, you have to admit Burne Hogarth was a stylish man..

Love or hate his figure drawing books, you have to admit Burne Hogarth was a stylish man..

Sunday, February 14, 2016

I’ve heard about The Prisoner since I was a kid, but I’ve never seen any episodes until tonight. #6 from my sketchbook.

I’ve heard about The Prisoner since I was a kid, but I’ve never seen any episodes until tonight. #6 from my sketchbook.

Final roughs.

Final roughs.

Page 2 of my ‘intro to comic art’ homework. This week is roughs of a published script. This is from a Bendis New Avengers annual.

Page 2 of my ‘intro to comic art’ homework. This week is roughs of a published script. This is from a Bendis New Avengers annual.

Rough of page one from my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class final project. We are working from a published script, this was a New Avengers Annual.

Rough of page one from my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class final project. We are working from a published script, this was a New Avengers Annual.

Saturday, February 13, 2016



cleanbaby666: Was watching Ghostbusters 2 and this happened. Oh well, we had a good run guys, but the 80′s movie has spoken. Eh, it happens.

cleanbaby666: Was watching Ghostbusters 2 and this happened. Oh well, we had a good run guys, but the 80′s movie has spoken. Eh, it happens.

Final thumbnails for my class project in ‘Intro to comic art. I quickly knocked out a ton of loose thumbnails, then I took the best bits and made these nine.

Final thumbnails for my class project in ‘Intro to comic art. I quickly knocked out a ton of loose thumbnails, then I took the best bits and made these nine.

I went a little overboard with the thumbnails. This is for three pages, I just kept coming up with ideas. I’ll narrow this down to 3 per page like we were assigned for class.

I went a little overboard with the thumbnails. This is for three pages, I just kept coming up with ideas. I’ll narrow this down to 3 per page like we were assigned for class.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Homework for intro to comic art. These are 4 different ways to tell a story.

Homework for intro to comic art. These are 4 different ways to tell a story.

The next project for ‘Into to Comic Art’ class is drawing a professional script. I picked an Avengers annual. I haven’t read this book and I think it will allow me to show off.

The next project for ‘Into to Comic Art’ class is drawing a professional script. I picked an Avengers annual. I haven’t read this book and I think it will allow me to show off.

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Final version of my homework from my ‘Intro to comic art’ class at Comics Experience.

Final version of my homework from my ‘Intro to comic art’ class at Comics Experience.

Monday, February 08, 2016

Page 3 of my homework for ‘Intro to comic art"

Page 3 of my homework for ‘Intro to comic art"

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Page 2 of my ‘Intro to comic art’ homework.

Page 2 of my ‘Intro to comic art’ homework.

Page two of my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ homework.

Page two of my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ homework.

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Page one of my homework for ‘Intro to Comic Art’ is done. I have 2 more pages to draw. We were assigned to adapt a few pages from a list of novels and I picked 'Fight Club’.

Page one of my homework for ‘Intro to Comic Art’ is done. I have 2 more pages to draw. We were assigned to adapt a few pages from a list of novels and I picked 'Fight Club’.

Page one of my homework.

Page one of my homework.

Panel one from my homework is finished!

Panel one from my homework is finished!

Friday, February 05, 2016

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Pag 2 & 3 roughs from my homework for first week of ‘Intro to comic art’.

Pag 2 & 3 roughs from my homework for first week of ‘Intro to comic art’.

Rough for my first page for my homework for my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class at Comics Experience

Rough for my first page for my homework for my ‘Intro to Comic Art’ class at Comics Experience

Second pass at thumbnails for my ‘Intro to comic art’ class at Comics Experience.

Second pass at thumbnails for my ‘Intro to comic art’ class at Comics Experience.

First final thumbnail for my homework.

First final thumbnail for my homework.

Here’s the thumbnails for my first class ‘Intro to Comic Art’ from Comics Experience.

Here’s the thumbnails for my first class ‘Intro to Comic Art’ from Comics Experience.