Sunday, September 08, 2019

I’m re-listening to ‘The Country Club Murders’ series by Julie Mulhern. The stories are set in early ‘70s Kansas City and really enjoyed them. I’m not sure if this is how Ellison Russell ‘really’ looks but this is how I doodled her in my sketchbook. #cansonpaper #sketchbook #literarydoodles #countryclubmurders #instaart (at Super Giant Art)

I’m re-listening to ‘The Country Club Murders’ series by Julie Mulhern. The stories are set in early ‘70s Kansas City and really enjoyed them. I’m not sure if this is how Ellison Russell ‘really’ looks but this is how I doodled her in my sketchbook. #cansonpaper #sketchbook #literarydoodles #countryclubmurders #instaart (at Super Giant Art)

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