Sunday, May 03, 2020

Found in my studio recently: Marvel Ultimate Alliance playing card deck. This was given out at San Diego Comic-Con in ‘06. I don’t keep a lot of swag, but this game is one of my favorite. Marvel Ultimate Alliance was written by a buddy of mine and the ‘06 SDCC was a very memorable con so it’s cool to come across these. #sdcc #sdcc06 #conswag #ultimatealliance #marvelultimatealliance #playing cards

Found in my studio recently: Marvel Ultimate Alliance playing card deck. This was given out at San Diego Comic-Con in ‘06. I don’t keep a lot of swag, but this game is one of my favorite. Marvel Ultimate Alliance was written by a buddy of mine and the ‘06 SDCC was a very memorable con so it’s cool to come across these. #sdcc #sdcc06 #conswag #ultimatealliance #marvelultimatealliance #playing cards

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