Sunday, August 02, 2020

Friday my wife had to go to her office so we ate lunch out and I did this doodle of the wait staff rolling napkins. #hatch #automobilealleyokc #okcartist #pencildrawing #drawingwhilewaiting #drawingwhilewaitingforfood #sketchbook #okc #doodle #strathmorepaper #drawingfromlife (at Hatch Early Mood Food)

Friday my wife had to go to her office so we ate lunch out and I did this doodle of the wait staff rolling napkins. #hatch #automobilealleyokc #okcartist #pencildrawing #drawingwhilewaiting #drawingwhilewaitingforfood #sketchbook #okc #doodle #strathmorepaper #drawingfromlife (at Hatch Early Mood Food)

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