Friday, August 13, 2021

I came home from vacation to find this book on my porch. War Heroes is a WWII supplement for the Mighty Protectors role playing game. Mighty Protectors is the latest version of Villains and Vigilantes, a game I played a lot as a kid. This was a dream come true, working on a property I love with Jeff Dee, a legendary RPG illustrator and creator. #villiansandvigilantes #mightyprotectors #superheroes #rpgs #roleplayinggames (at Northwest Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

I came home from vacation to find this book on my porch. War Heroes is a WWII supplement for the Mighty Protectors role playing game. Mighty Protectors is the latest version of Villains and Vigilantes, a game I played a lot as a kid. This was a dream come true, working on a property I love with Jeff Dee, a legendary RPG illustrator and creator. #villiansandvigilantes #mightyprotectors #superheroes #rpgs #roleplayinggames (at Northwest Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)

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